Why Work with an Independent Insurance Agent

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Why Work With An Independent Insurance Agent

As a concept, insurance should be pretty simple right? You pay money so that you will have money if you ever need it—a tool for peace of mind. And while it should be simple, it isn’t always that way. There are many complexities involved with getting the coverage that is right for you. You already know this, whether you’ve held a policy before or not. But the very last thing you want to do is NOT feel confident about a nebulous entity that you pay money into each month. You want to feel at ease with this considerable investment.

That’s why you need someone looking out for you. Not looking at you as a “marketing target” or an “acquisition target” but as a person. You as an individual.

Working with an independent insurance agent—an agent one step removed from the policy providers—can be a key step in having the best purchasing experience. This is for a variety of reasons such as giving you multiple policy choices, tapping licensed expertise, and providing a one-stop-shop approach for simplicity. Mostly, this experience is best because independent agents make sure you - not the policy provider - remain squarely at the center of the process.

Just as you would expect, being independent, they can find the policy that is right for you, not the policy that makes the most money for the insurance provider. This is not to paint providers as companies with ill intent, they are just doing what they do best - creating policies. An independent insurance agent can do what they do best - match a policy to an individual based on a specific set of variables.

Technology & Individuality Are Not Mutually Exclusive

Technology can be a beautiful thing. Especially within digital channels, where a variety of data can be pulled in and compared and processed. That’s part of the magic of how Covered’s system works. We take multiple quotes and match them with your profile information to give you the option that best suits your needs. Sort of like an “Expedia of Insurance Quotes.”

But the humanity of our approach is not lost or confused by the technical savvy of the digital tools we created to help you. That’s where our commitment comes in to making sure we are pulling in the best matches for your specific situation. We iterate the offerings based on your profile and based on the fact that we know you as an individual. You are always in control and our policy experts can dial in the best policy offering possible. And you can actually talk to our experts whenever you need more information or details about quotes.

Why Do You Need To Get New Quotes?

The reality is that rates and the economy informing them are fluid elements. They are constantly in flux and therefore quotes are subject to that fluidity. You need the latest and greatest information when it comes time to getting a single quote, but also it is necessary to compare that quote with those coming from other providers. In this way, you as the individual, have the best chance to get the best quote. Covered’s experts can guide you through that process, alleviating your anxiety.

For example, when it comes to homeowner insurance quotes, the price range can vary by over 200%, depending on the fluctuations mentioned earlier. That’s why it is so important to compare across carriers to hone in on the best option. That’s where Covered helps you!

The bottom line is that we are interested in building long-term relationships with our customers. Sure, even independent agencies are businesses and need profits, too, but here’s the thing…we know that when the right care and attention is paid to individuals who need insurance and when we do the work to provide the best terms, everyone wins in the long run: the policyholders, the policy providers, and the independent brokers.

Long-term insurance relationships that can have lasting impact–that’s what Covered does.